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ISSWQ: Indian Society of Soil Salinity and Water Quality
With reclamation and management of 6.73 M ha salt affected soils and judicious use of poor quality ground water resources, there was tremendous scope to see the establishment of Indian Society of Soil Salinity and Water Quality or ISSSWQ. The aim of the Society was to deal with research and development of issues related to soil salinity and water quality.
The importance of the Society has increased over the years as the Quality of India’s natural resources, i.e., land, water, climate and biodiversity is degrading at a fast pace. Productive resources are being diverted from agricultural to other sectors jeopardizing the production and productivity of food grains, fiber, fodder, fuel wood, timber and other useful biomass. Development of appropriate technologies to make best use of degraded land and water resources will largely determine the prospect of food and nutritional in the 21st century.
ISSSWQ Objectives
- To facilitate in survey of natural resources of India with the aim to generate database and suggest preventive and reclamation strategies
- To transfer knowledge and technologies related to soil salinity and water quality
- Human Resource Development and capacity building of stakeholders in the area of soil salinity, water quality and natural resource management
- To facilitate in policy planning processes for the upliftment of civil communities
ISSSWQ Role in Education
ISSSWQ Young Scientist Award
The ISSSWQ has introduced a scheme of Award for Young Scientists in “Management of Soil Salinity and Poor Quality Waters” to promote excellence in the field of Agriculture Sciences and Technology by the Society. The Award is known as “ISSSWQ Young Scientist Award”. The award is governed as per following rules and regulations.
- The award is biennial in nature and would be bestowed upon the selected scientist in the plenary session of the biennial convention of the society.
- The award is open to all young scientists below 40years of age as on 31st December of the year for which the award is being conferred. The scientist must be a life member of the society.
Indian Society of Soil Salinity & Water Quality fellowship (FISSS&WQ)
The ISSS&WQ shall elect two Fellows during each alternate year from amongst the life members in recognition of their outstanding professional contributions and service to the society. To be eligible for nomination to Fellowship, an individual must be a life member of the society for at least two years prior to the calendar year for which award nominations are being made. The nomination will be made in each case at least by one Patron/Past President/Past Vice-President.
ISSSWQ Contact Details
Indian Society of Soil Salinity and Water Quality
ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute
Kachhwa Road, Karnal-132001 (Haryana), India